Contact Details

  • WestFresh Catering
    4546 El Camino Real, # B12
    Los Altos, CA 94022
  • 650-941-9888
  • [email protected]
  • Office Hours: Mon-Fri – 9AM to 3PM
  • Operation Hours: Mon-Fri – 5AM to 5PM
  • Sat & Sun by appointment only

Thank you for inquiring about our WestFresh Catering.

Please fill out the following form and we will have a quote sent out to you as soon as possible. The quote we send to you will be completely itemized, so feel free to enter your food (item) requirements.

If you have any additional requirements or need any further information, please feel free to give us a call 650-941-9888 or drop an email [email protected].

    Inquire/Request To Place An Order